Free Video Training & Blogpost Reveals

How To Get More Sales Without Doing More Work or Chasing After Customers

…plus the 3 Secret Reason Why Your Business is NOT Making Enough Sales Now...

For Online Vendors, Affiliate Marketers, Course Creators, Coaches & Anyone who wants to Make More Sales From Their Business -


Hey friend; 

Would you like to learn a 2 STEP process that you can ‘’install’’ into your business now…and it will begin to send you credit alerts of 100,000….₦500,000 and even up to ₦1,000,000 every month. Whether or not you are working, sleeping - or if you are just hanging out with friends? 

If you read till the end, what I am going to show you is both unbelievably simple and outrageously profitable. You'll be able to set the entire system up in less than a week (actually in less than a day, if you want) and then profit from it for life

That's right, once the system is in place -- it continues to pay you for as long as it is online.

Introducing The ''DIY Fast Sales Blueprint''

The DIY Fast sales blueprint is a Home Study Video course that contains a simple 2 Step Secret that can be plugged into any business, and it will INSTANTLY make a lot sales 

This is ideal for you 

  • If your online business is struggling & you are NOT making as much sales as you would want to. 

  • Or your business is making sale, but it is not enough & you want to 10X your results easily 

But before I tell you HOW to get this Home study course, let me first tell you the 3 Secret Reasons why you are NOT making sales. 

To make you UNDERSTAND these mistakes you are making now in your business, let me share a REAL LIFE scenario of 2 Persons that i have worked with in the past. 

Past Student 1: Her name is Sophia (for her privacy this is not her Real name)

Sophia OVER-WORKS herself every day in her business - she is always replying DMs & Whatsapp messages. 

Sometimes she makes a few sales from all her efforts, but what she makes is not enough. 

She has tried to get some visibility & be consistent, so she posts EVERYWHERE - but she only gets likes & ‘’let me get back to you’’. 

This has cost her time, money & sleepless night - and she wishes there is a step by step plan with very little stress that can make her more sales 

Then There is This Other Person - Chidera

He does NOT post on social media, 

He does not OVERWORK himself as much as Sophia, 

Does not care about Visibility, and is not even as CONSISTENT as Sophia 

- and even though he sells almost the exact same thing Sophia sells, he makes 10x more money than her.  

The big question you may be asking yourself now is - WHY? 

The answer is simple: complex processes do NOT work. Simple step by step process works every time

And it brings me to The 3 Reasons Why You are NOT making so much sales now:

Secret Reason 1: You Think You Need to Work Extra Hard to Make Sales

Chideria simply created something called:  ‘’One Video Sales System’’ 

This Video System contains just 2 Things: 

  1.  ONE video written with ‘’a special persuasion script’’ - this video describes the product he is saying in a very attractive way. 

  1. Then 5-7 Contents called ‘’Desire Machines’’ that make people want to buy his product. 

And that’s all. No daily social media posts. 

EVERY DAY all he does is to send people to watch the Video plus the DESIRE MACHINE content & he makes sales. 

I’ll tell you why that video & content works in a bit, read the next line carefully

Here is A Real Life Example of How This Works

This is a simple ‘’One Video Sales System’’ that has done well for us in our business. 


If just 100 people watch that video on the left Every Day 


It usually convinces about 4 People to click the buy button under it & buy. 


Which is 120 sales a month (on a bad month, some days it is more). 

Imagine your profits if you can do just 120 sales of your product in one month

The best part is; It takes less than ONE WEEK to set this entire thing up, but it can send you sales EVERY day, and every month – for one full year without touching it again.

This is Sarah Who Used This Same System to Relocate to The United States

Sarah set up her own ONE sales video system, put it online and in just 2 months it was able to FULLY fund her relocation plan. 


Once you set this up you in your business you could finally & easily make enough sales to FUND your way through school, afford your rent & even fund your relocation plans or any other project you have in mind.

Secret Reason Number 2: You are Not Doing The Things That Make Sales in The Right Way

Imagine that two people run an ad (or a sponsored post) with the same budget, but only one of them will make sales while the other will make nothing or very little




This is because every money making activity in business has a secret, and most people that know these secret keep it to themselves 


For instance, do you know that there are specific things you will say in a video or a post describing your product that will make people RUSH what you sell. 


There is a way to do your targeting in your video that will make show your ads to only people that buy – this method finds people who have money & show your ads to just them


I explained all of this inside this home study course: 


Continue reading and in a moment I’ll show you HOW to get it and start applying in your business. 


In Fact…

This is the Exact System I Showed Chidera

And He went from Zero Sales to making 2.3 Million Naira in Sales – in a single day

His Message to Me On The Day He Applied it in His BUSINESS

Secret Reason Number 3: You Think You Need a Large Following to See Results

Using all the information I’ll share with you inside my Home study course DIY Fast Sales BluePrint – Chidera was able to make all that sales – WITHOUT even having up to 1,000 followers online. 


He did NOT use any influencers & he did not spend hours on end chatting on Whatsapp 


And if you follow all my instructions – step by step, exactly as i explain them inside my home study course – it will work for you too 

And, LOOK!

It does not matter if you have NEVER made a dime online

…or if you have tried EVERYTHING else that failed flat on its face….it does not matter if you have only made peanuts in the past

…or if you are not a techy person. 


What I will share with you inside this home study course will work for you & you can sell literally anything on the internet with it, 

I don’t know you, I have NEVER met you before – so why am I sure that it can help your business to make more money?


…simple…I have watched others in worse situations than you do get amazing results using the ‘’DIY Fast Sales Blueprint’’, so I am sure you can too! 


In fact, don’t take my word for it…here are some people who cashed out with This.

Sarah Made Enough Money From Her Version of This System to Relocate Abroad

Chidera Used it To Make 2.4 Million in a Single Day from His Business

Here is Iniubong Jeremiah, Used it Cash $250 in One Day With his Smartphone

And it Sends me Personal Income Like This One

Now it is Your Turn
Introducing The ''DIY Fast Sales Blueprint'' Home Study Course

Here is What You’ll Inside the DIY Fast Sales Blueprint

Wait, there is more


Now… I have Good News & I Have Bad News

The good news - I will be EXPOSING step by step, how to set up the entire DIY Fast Sales BluePrint in my home study course. Plus more details everything I have just listed above.  

And When You Apply it, Here is What will Happen Next

First you’d get your first sales, and it would leave you surprised - and you will get another, and another and before the end of your first month you’d have made more money in ONE MONTH than you have made in the past 6 months of your life.

And all this result will happen just because you applied the blueprint

The bad news - access to this home study course will be extremely limited [continue reading to see how to qualify for a spot]

First you’d get your first sales, and it would leave you surprised - and you will get another, and another and before the end of your first month you’d have made more money in ONE MONTH than you have made in the past 6 months of your life.

And all this result will happen just because you applied the blueprint

The bad news - access to this home study course will be extremely limited [continue reading to see how to qualify for a spot]

How to Get The Home Study Course


If you were to teach this in a live one on one consultation it would cost you anything from 350,000 Naira just to get me to sit down with you and show you all of this in person - 

I could do the ONE ON ONE thing if I wanted to make a lot of money with this information. I have over 80,000 followers on Twitter and getting 10 of them to pick this & making all this information exclusive will be very easy for me. 

But that won’t create the much needed impact i want to create with this program;  

I have also give 10s of contents and courses like this one out for FREE but 98.9% of people that get information like this for free don’t value it. 

So here is what I'll do to filter off as many unserious people as i can, i am putting a fee to this information and will hand it over to ONLY people that are serious!

Special Offer for The First 50 Persons Today

Only for This Number

Bonus 1: The price for this HOME STUDY course is 32,000 ($54)

But Pay ₦18,000 ($30) Now (and save 14,000 ($24), Get the Resources insides, Apply everything Inside & Then Pay the rest when you make your first 5 sales with EVERYTHING you learn inside this home study course

Bonus 2: I will give you a FULL One Sales Video Slide deck & script. This contains, word for word; everything you need to say in your sales video in order to make a sale. 

No need to task your brain, people have used this script to make a lot of sales in their business and it works! 

Time To Take Action

Once you pay for this course, even if it is by 1AM in the morning; a login information will be sent automatically to your email, with instructions on how to login.

Simply Login and start watching the training 

The home study course is exactly like you sitting in with me. You can watch over my shoulder as I show you - step by step; how to set up the Fast Sales BluePrint 

You can rewind, pause and rewatch this video for as many times as possible (which, in my opinion) is more valuable than a physical meet where i’d speak to you once and you would forget what i have said.

Claim your access to - DIY Fast Sales Blueprint

Grab your access while this guide is still dirty cheap and this secret system is only in the hands of a select few...

All it takes to get instant access today is only…

$30 (₦18,000)


Look, if you're truly serious about finding a way to make an incredible living working just a few hours a on your business there really is no substitute for this step-by-step system in this blueprint.

Trust your gut feeling and go for it! You'll be glad you did.


P.S. Remember, unless you decide to do something to change your future you can only expect to keep getting the same results from your life. Don't kick yourself later when you realise you've missed out on the greatest opportunity to grow your business..


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